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发布时间:2020-09-03 11:36




Part I 重要时间节点

1. 注册报到时间




2 未接到学校通知前,境外国际学生一律不返校;在规定返校时间前,学生未经允许不得提前到校。


4. 寒假从2021125日至226日。

Part II 学杂费的缴纳

1. 所有境外老生只需缴纳学费,无需缴纳保险费和住宿费。

2. 老生的学杂费缴纳


2)在中国境外或不能正常入境的老生:于97日前完成学费汇款。汇款时请备注“ 2020+申请编号,汇款成功后请将汇款单拍照发给分管辅导员。若未按时缴纳学费的境外老生,88038威尼斯将及时将学生名单通报各二级培养单位,取消其线上学习资格。

3. 原则上一次缴清一学年学费,如有特殊原因,可按照学期缴纳。

4. 境外汇款信息如下:



银行账号:0000 1102 0510 3057




Part III 教学安排

1. 88038威尼斯国际学生


2. 其他二级培养单位国际学生








Notice on Registration for Senior International Students of SWU in Autumn Semester 2020


Dear students,

Hello! The new semester is around the corner. However, due to the need of epidemic prevention and control, the registration arrangements of students is different from that in the past. Now, the registration arrangements of senior international students of SWU in autumn semester 2020 is notified as follows:

Part I Schedule

1. Registration Time

(1) Students (who are in or can enter Mainland China as usual) need to register at the office 309 of Ziyun building with your student ID card from September 3rd to 4th, 2020; and then register at your college or faculty from September 5th to 6th, 2020.

(2) Students (who are out of Mainland China) need to scan the following QR code to register online from September 3rd to 4th, 2020; and then you need to contact the counselor or teaching secretary of your college or faculty to get registered online by your college or faculty from September 5th to 6th, 2020.

Scan the QR code to get registered online

2. Students who are out of Mainland China are not allowed to return to university before receiving SWU’s official notification; students are not allowed to come to SWU in advance without permission before the specified return time.

3. Classes will begin on September 7th.

4. Winter vacation is from Jan 25th to Feb 26th, 2021.

Part II Payment of tuition and miscellaneous fees

1. Students who are out of Mainland China only need to pay the tuition fees, not need to pay insurance and accommodation fees.

2. Payment of tuition and miscellaneous fees

(1) Students (who are in or can enter Mainland China as usual) need to go to the office 309 of International College to complete the online payment.

(2) Students (who are out of Mainland China) need to complete the tuition remittance before September 7. Please note “2020 + your application number” when remittance. After your remittance, please take a picture of the remittance slip and send it to the counselor in charge. If the overseas senior students fail to pay your tuition fees on time, the International College will inform your college or faculty where you studying in and cancel your online learning qualification.

3. In principle, the tuition fees for one academic year should be paid off at one time. If there is any acceptable reason, tuition fees can be paid by semester.

4. Bank information:

Account Name: Southwest University

Bank Name: Bank of China, Chongqing branch, Beibei branch


Bank address: Beibei District, Chongqing, China

Postal Code: 400700

Part III Teaching arrangement

1. Students studying in the International College

All the international students studying in the International College must participate in online teaching and learning. For international students are on campus, the International College will adopt the “offline plus online mode” according to the student source structure of the class to combine online teaching with offline teaching.

2. Students studying in other college or faculty

(1) Students who are on campus need to take normal offline class according to the professional education and teaching plan.

(2) Students who are out of mainland of China need to take online or other kind of teaching guidance arranged by the college of fauclty where you studying in.



International College, SWU

Sept 3rd, 2020

