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发布时间:2015-01-14 09:09





A. 重庆江北机场—西南大学

1.   555路高速大巴(票价12元,时间约45分钟)



2.   出租车(价格约100元,时间约40分钟)

3.   轻轨



B. 重庆北(龙头寺)火车站—西南大学

1.   504路高速大巴(票价10元,时间约50分钟)



2.   乘坐轻轨3号线从龙头寺站到红旗河沟站,后换乘轻轨6号线至北碚轻轨,时间约50分钟。

C. 重庆(菜园坝)火车站—西南大学

1.   502路高速大巴(票价10元,时间约50分钟)


2.   出租车(价格约80元,时间约40分钟)



1.   2014-2015学年度春季学期我校规定的到校报到注册时间是35日—36日,请据此提前预订好到校(重庆)的飞机票或者火车票。如果不能按时到校报到,请及时用邮件或传真告知我们具体的原因和到校报到的具体时间,否则将视为放弃奖学金资格或入学资格。

2.   我校只能在33日—36日期间免费为中国政府全额奖学金和孔子学院全额奖学金学生提供接机或接站。但必须至少提前5天将您的航班号或车次的准确到达信息用邮件或者传真告知我校。提前或延后到校报到的学生,可以选择自行前往学校报到或者由我校代为安排机场接机或火车站接站。

3.   自费生也可以请我校88038威尼斯代为单独安排机场接机或火车站接站,须支付成本价210元;校际协议交换生的接机费用按照合作协议处理。

4.   联系信息



电话:+86-23-68254425; +86-23-68256342



1.   根据各类奖学金的管理要求,我校将为中国政府奖学金生(全额),孔子学院奖学金生以及校际交流、合作协议中规定由西南大学安排住宿的学生提供免费住宿,房间由我校直接安排,无须预订。可以免费入住的最早时间为33日,早于33日入住的学生将按照单人间:80//天;标准间(双人间):50//天的标准收取住宿费。

2.   所有自费学生可选择长期住宿留学生综合大楼,收费标准为:




3.   所有需自费入住留学生大楼的学生均须填写《西南大学留学生综合大楼住宿申请表》(请在88038威尼斯网上下载),并在215日前通过邮件或者传真告知我校,由我校根据床位实际情况告知是否可入住留学生大楼。在校外住宿的学生须在办公室领取并填写在外住宿登记表,在3日内携带护照和房东去当地派出所登记。

4.   所有学生入境后24小时之内请持护照到88038威尼斯(紫云楼)前台进行临时住宿登记。



1.   根据教育部相关规定,在华学习的留学生须购买在中国境内的有效保险方可入学。中国政府奖学金生(全额)及孔子学院奖学金生的保险分别由国家留学基金委及国家汉办负责购买,市长奖学金生的保险由88038威尼斯代为购买(保险费将从奖学金中扣除),校长奖学金生的保险由88038威尼斯购买,项目学生的保险根据合作协议执行,自费生及校际协议交换生须在报到时缴纳保险费后由88038威尼斯统一购买。

2.   留学生综合保险的资费标准为:

  一年 800元; 半年 400元; 一个月:160



1.   35日—36日:外国留学生新生入学报到;

2.   39日—313日:开学典礼曁入学教育;到重庆市出入境检验检疫局做体检结果复查;集中办理学生证、校园一卡通等证照;完成校园网用户申请;拍摄签证照片;熟悉校园和周边环境;公布汉语进修生分班名单,学生领取课表和教材(具体时间另行通知);

3.   39日:正式上课。



1.   20154月:泰国宋干节;

2.   20154月:西南大学运动会;

3.   20154-5月:敬老院、特殊教育学校、社区、新农村等参观慰问活动;

4.   20155月:孔子学院奖学金生中华才艺展;

5.   20156月:紫云汉语文化节 (汉语之星大赛、汉语文化论坛等)。

备注: 因我校每年都会针对来华留学生开展丰富多彩的校园文化活动,请同学们来华时自备民族服装、小国旗、传统手工艺品等用于展现自己国家的文化。

A Guide for New International Students at Southwest University


1. Transportation

1.1 Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport  >>  SWU

A. Highway shuttle bus (Line 555)

Take No. 555 city bus to Beibei at the “long-distance bus transfer center” out of Gate 3 in    Jiangbei Airport (Ticket fare: RMB12; Time: 45 minutes).

B. Taxi

Please wait in the line for legal taxis and ask for taxi receipt (Fare: RMB100; Time: 40 minutes).

C. Subway

Take Line 3 from Jiangbei Airport to Hongqihegou and transfer to Beibei with Line 6 (Time: 50 minutes).

1.2 Chongqing North (Longtousi) Train Station  >>  SWU

A. Highway shuttle bus (Line 504)

Take No.504 city bus at the exit of the train station and get off at the northern gate of SWU (Ticket fare: RMB10; Time: 50 minutes).

B. Taxi (Fare: RMB80; Time: 40 minutes)

C. Subway

Take Line 3 from Longtousi to Hongqihegou and transfer to Beibei by Line 6 (Time: 50 minutes).

1.3 Chongqing (Caiyuanba) Train Station  >>  SWU

A. Highway shuttle bus (Line 502)

Go through the tunnel near the train station, turn right and walk 12 minutes, or take a taxi to get to the Shangqingsi Bus Stop. Take No.502 highway bus. Get off at the northern gate of SWU (ticket fare: RMB10; Time: 50 minutes).

B. Taxi (Fare: RMB80; Time: 40 minutes)

2. Registration and Pickup Service

2.1 Registration time for the second semester in Academic Year 2013-2014 is from March 5 to March 6. Please do remember to book the tickets in advance according to the foregoing schedule. And if there is any difficulty to register on time, either the email or the fax is required to inform SWU of the reasons of being late and the exact arriving time. Otherwise, you will be regarded as giving up this admission or scholarship.

2.2 Free pickup service is offered to the full Chinese Government Scholarship and Confucius Institute Scholarship students between March 3 to March 6 on the premise of informing us of specified flight or train number together with the detailed arrival time at least 5 days in advance before departure. Those who arrive in Chongqing before or after the registration time can either come to SWU by yourself or choose self-paid pickup service offered by International College. 

2.3 Self-sponsored students can book for the airport or railway station pickup service the same way with scholarship students as well, which, however, should be paid RMB 210. And the pickup fee for exchange students will be charged according to the cooperation agreements.

2.4 Contact information:

   E-mail : studentao@swu.edu.cn

   Fax : +86-23-68253497

   Telephone: +86-23-68254425; +86-23-68256342

   Website: /

3. Reservation and Fees of Accommodation

3.1 Free accommodation will be offered to students with full Chinese Government Scholarship, full Confucius Institute Scholarship and exchange students holding relative inter-university agreements. And there is no need to book the room in advance because room allotting is in the charge of SWU. The earliest date of free check-in is March 3, before which the single room will be charged RMB 80 per day per person and the double room RMB 50 per day per person. 

3.2 All the self-sponsored students can either choose the self-paid accommodation in Foreign Students Building or rent inside or outside campus. The fee standard to live in Foreign Students Building is as follows:

    Single room: RMB 7,000 per person per semester; RMB 12,000 per person per year;

    Double room: RMB5,000 per person per semester; RMB 9,000 per person per year;

    And it is also available for fresh students to live temporarily in Foreign Students Building before moving into the rental room, which will be charged RMB 80 per day per person for the single room and RMB 50 per day per person for the double room.

3.3 Those self-sponsored students who want to live in Foreign Students Building should apply in advance with e-mail or fax before February 15 and wait for the reply from International College concerning the number of beds in building. Please download the application form on the website of International College. And anybody who rents house inside or outside campus should get and fill in the application form in Office 309 and register in the local police station with both passport and landlord in 3 days.

3.4 It is necessary for all fresh international students to register temporary accommodation at the reception desk of International College (Ziyun Building) within 24 hours after entry.

4. Medical insurance

4.1 As is regulated by Ministry of Education, the medical insurance within Chinese territory should be bought when foreign students pursue their studies in China.

4.2 Medical insurance of full Chinese Government Students and Confucius Institute Scholarship Student are to be covered by China Scholarship Council and Hanban separately. As for Chongqing Mayor’s Scholarship students, their medical insurance will be deducted from their scholarship and bought by International College all together. As for SWU president scholarship students, their medical insurance is in the charge of International College. And the medical insurance of program students can be either covered or self-paid according to different agreements. And both self-sponsored students and exchange students should pay for the medical insurance when registering.

4.3 The fee standard for medical insurance is as follow:

    RMB 800 per year; RMB 400 half a year; RMB 160 a month;

5. Arrangements and Orientation

Mar.5 - Mar. 6: Registration;

Mar.9 - Mar. 13: Collection of the student’s ID and library cards, application for internet account, taking visa photos; Get familiar with the campus and environment; Physical examination confirmation at Chongqing Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau; Opening ceremony and orientation for new comers;

Mar. 9: Start classes.

   (Exact time to be informed later)

6. Campus Activities

Apr. 2015: Thailand Songkran Festival;

Apr. 2015: SWU Sports Meeting;

Apr.-May.2015: Visit old people's, home, special school, community and the new countryside Get familiar with the campus and environment;

May. 2015: The Chinese talent show for Confucius Institute Scholarship Student;

May.2015: Chinese culture festival (including the Chinese Star Contest and the Chinese Culture Forum).

Note: Every year SWU arranges a variety of on-campus cultural activities for international students. Please bring your national costumes, flags, handicrafts to promote cultural exchanges.

上一篇:关于2015年HSK、HSKK、BCT考试报名 (西南大学考点)的通知
